In bed eating cereal...a treat for sure since we don't eat upstairs and certainly not in bed.
A tea party scene I came across in the play room. Somebody's been playing with my buttons!
"My Dear, you have to go to bed now my dear. And I don't want you to get up. I am going to sleep now too my dear, and I am very tired and I don't want you to wake me up."
**Wow, the "Marlow Mommy" says the exact same things I say to my Marlow girl at night! -- except I don't say "my dear" so much. At least I know she is listening and absorbing....too bad she still gets up and argues at bed time.
"Ok now, my dear, eat your cereal and go to bed."
Making a list. I make lots of lists. So does Marlow.
I am trying to figure out what the dark blue rectangle in the background is...Have you put up something new?
MOM Mary
I love this post. Makes me eager for Madelyn to get older so that she and Moriah can play together. Either that, or we can move closer since Marlow and Moriah already get along so well=)
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