Monday, January 07, 2008

The Evening Dishes

A couple weeks ago I told Ezra and Asa that they would start helping clean-up the kitchen after dinner. They wouldn't have to do it alone (since they don't really know how) but would switch off nights helping me clean-up. Marlow really wanted to help too so she gets to help every night if she feels like it....generally she walks in the kitchen just as we are finishing up and says, "Ok mom, what do you want me to do?" and I give her a small job and then we are done. She always seems sort of surprised that it all got cleaned up so fast....while she was off taking a bath or playing. The other night Asa and I decided to take a before and after picture of our job for the evening.


We usually have a pretty good time together. The boys seem to enjoy the one on one time with me even though we are working. The don't like it when they think they are missing out on something fun the other kids are doing with Joseph like wrestling or reading stories. Usually he takes them upstairs for baths right after dinner, and my helper doesn't miss out, he just gets the last bath.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Sounds like a great idea, Amy. And wow, Asa, the before/after picture of your work is impressive.. Keep up the good work! I remember well when we used to put your dad, Jonathan, and Ruth to work--later joined by Beth and Michael! Grandma
