Saturday, January 05, 2008

Mmmm, Yummy Cookies

While we were in Georiga visiting the Nichols side of our family Beth made gingerbread cookies for the kids to decorate. They had a blast, and really got to do the decorating themselves. I was not involved in the process at all.....which is good....I tend to "help" too much and try to make the cookies (or whatever project we are working on) look perfect, probably at the expense of the fun of decorating. I am really going to have to hold myself back when the kids start doing science projects for school.
The kids really enjoyed having full creative power when it came to their cookie decorations.

Asa, Ezra and Zoe working hard on their gingerbread men -- Max looking on from his highchair. They were armed with icing, gumdrops, sprinkles, raisinets and red hots.

Ezra and Zoe working hard, and below the results.....

Mmmm, delicious, eh? Looks like a cookie that was in some sort of an accident. One of the red hot "eyes" is lying next to his gingerbread head. And wow, what happened to the rest of him? I'm thinking reconstructive surgery is out and some one should just go ahead, gobble him up, and put him out of his misery. Ok, seriously, this cookie was created by Zoe, who is only 3 yrs old and did a great job for her age division. See what I mean? I get a little too intense about projects.

This one at least resembles a man, a little heavy on the gumdrops, but hey, we've all got flaws.

And here we have Asa, dressed as Joseph for the Christmas Story the kids acted out, enjoying one of his delicious creations.


  1. You crack me up:) I need to find out which recipe Beth is using. I tried two different ones this holiday and I'm not completely happy with either. However, we made gingerbread waffles just now and they are tasty:) The smell seems to promise more than the subtle taste but that might be because I didn't have cardamom. I might add a tad more molasses too next time. I made fresh whip cream to go with it - Mmm. It calls for sour cream and preserves to go on top but that sounded kinda icky.

  2. Michelle,they were aweful!I put way too much flour and they were too thick. I could't believe the kids were eating them. They sure were fun to decorate though!

  3. Yeah, my first recipe tasted pretty decent but the dough was really hard to deal with - very sticky. The next I tried sounds like how yours turned out. I'm still on a quest to find one I like because I love gingerbread cookies:) I love Zoe's cookie! I can't wait to do that with Jack and Ian next Christmas. This year Jack just used his new rolling pin to help me and the cookie cutters. Ian did the eating of course:)
