Monday, January 07, 2008

A little color

Marlow likes to draw and color...especially with markers. She will sit for a long time working on a picture, longer than I would think most three year olds sit still and color. Sometimes she gets a bit carried away, the marker leaves the paper and she decorates her skin a little. I remember doing this as a child too, mostly I would draw smiley faces on my knees or time Michelle convinced me to let her color socks on my feet with a black marker.....but I'm getting away from my story.

Saturday she was coloring with some inexpensive (not washable) markers I stuck in the kids' stockings for Christmas (cheap markers = big mistake), when she decided to draw a purple goatee on her chin. When I saw her later she had forgotten about it and I asked her, "Marlow, what's on your chin?" She looked confused for a minute and then she smiled and said, "Oh, a little color."

Joseph was getting ready to go run a few errands and invited her to go with him, so we got a baby wipe and tried to clean her chin off --- and discovered that it wouldn't come off. So she went out with dad with a purple chin. By the end of the next day, her color was ready to be washed completely off in the bath.


  1. Marlow is hilarious! I completely forgot about the black socks - I was awful:)

  2. that is too funny, amy! i just love the things kids come up with on the most mundane days to make us laugh.

    i have missed you guys and hope to see you soon!

  3. marlow is awesome.

  4. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Those pictures totally crack me up Amy! Marlow is just too much. -MichelleW

  5. This is hilarious. It reminds me of something from a Beverly Cleary book.
