Thursday, September 22, 2005

Wouldn't you like to know?

Driving home from work last night, it suddenly occurred to me what our next child's middle name should be if we have a boy. I ran it by the naming committee (made up of me and Amy) and it passed unanimously. So, now we are fully prepared with first and middle boy and girl names... And we are oh-so-anxious to find out if this baby is a boy or a girl.

Sorry, we're sticking to our tradition of not unveiling the names until the birth...

Just as a reminder, the due date is Sept. 28. Keep us in your prayers. Especially Amy, of course!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I'd like to know, but I won't have to wait long. I'm guessing...
...Micah Nathaniel?
...Ezekiel (Zeke)Oak?
...Ada ???

Get any hits?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that drives me crazy that you keep so many things secret but then again I'm all full of suspense and I can't wait for the baby to even more because of it.

Erik and I still have a secret from our birth.

- Aunt Michelle

Anonymous said...

I DO want to know what this new baby's name is! I keep expecting to hear that Amy is in labor, but then I will see her driving down the street. Hopefully he/she will come very soon!

Joseph said...

Mom - Heh. Noooo. Keep guessing...

Michelle - You still have a secret from your birth? Are we supposed to guess? Gosh, I don't know where to start... You actually had twins but you're waiting to reveal the second one?... You and Erik both went through the whole delivery in the buff?... You said a bad word?... Sigh... I guess we'll never know. Or will you tell us when we tell you the name of our child?

Amber - I know. It's taking FOREVER!!!

Anonymous said...

man guys i am dying to know...i tried to get it out of Amy...not a peep:) we are praying for you both. -katie