Monday, August 29, 2005

"How did you escape Chattablogs?"

Mrscrumley asked in a comment on a previous post, "How did you escape Chattablogs?"

I'm not sure if that's a loaded question or not... If it is, I'll play naive and simply explain that anyone can join Blogger for free at any time. They have a nice selection of templates for those of us without enough time to design our own, it is run by a cutting edge company (Google) that is always releasing cool new things (like Google Desktop which give PC users a taste of what it would be like to have an operating system like Mac OSX Tiger with Spotlight. )

Plus, around the time I got my Blogger blog, Chattablogs was experiencing some problems with downtime. I have, however been thinking about switching back if things continue to go as smoothly as they have lately. After all, Chattablogs was started and is maintained by one of my very own co-workers at Coptix.


Anonymous said...

hee hee, I know that you can get your own blogger acct. I have one. But I ditched it to keep my diaryland acct, then moved to chattablogs when I decided to be a non-anonymous blogger.
Anyway, it's just fun to find blogs of people I know.

Joseph said...

Oh I thought you might have been wondering how I eluded the blackmail attempts by JQR to make me use Chattablogs. :-)

Anonymous said...

Well actually yes, now that you mention it, I would be interested in knowing how you eluded using chattablogs. But perhaps that it is a story best left untold? :)

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that after seeing how cool Scott and Joseph's blogs were I was tempted to migrate... oh the &*%# I would get myself into...

Anonymous said...

coolness is in the content, not the wrapper :-)