Thursday, January 31, 2008

a little fresh air

I don't like going outside when it is cold and especially not when it is cold and rainy. But the kids love to go outside, rain or shine, hot or cold. Today Marlow and Eliot talked me into watching them play a little soccer in the front yard while it was cold and drizzly. Marlow chased Eliot around for a while with the umbrella while he kicked the ball. After a while it stopped drizzling and they played a little one on one. Even though it was cold and I had to bundle Gemma in a blanket while I watched them play I was glad we went out. They had blast getting a bit of fresh air. After about 45 minutes I was able to persuade them back inside for a cup hot chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Love that red, pink, and stripes! Marlow makes it all go together, like a flower garden or a bouquet of assorted blossoms...MOM
