Monday, January 28, 2008


Saturday night the three big kids spent the night with some dear friends -- it was Marlow's first spend the night experience and she had a super time. With the big kids gone, Joseph and I had a pretty easy night with Eliot and Gemma. I really wanted to get out so we went to get some dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. We don't go often because eating out with five kids is expensive and usually goes best at pizza/ice cream places -- I think you fellow Chattanoogans know the place I am talking about. We had an hour wait (they told us 30-40 min) so we went on a little walk. Eliot chattered away, asking questions, and looking at things. It was really nice being able to take our time with him and not have to rush him along. We finally got seated. The entrees that Joseph and I selected weren't really things Eliot would like -- so we ordered him his own meal off the children's menu: pizza, fries, drink and a scoop of ice cream for $5 -- definitely the best deal there. I think it was the first time we ever ordered a meal for one of our kids when they were just two years old. We generally get them meals to split or we share with them because they never eat much (or eat as much as they are served). Eliot ate half his pizza, drank his root beer and ate most of his ice cream -- he was not a big fan of the fries, but I'm not going to make him eat them. I don't remember what we talked about, but he was a good dinner conversationalist -- on a two year old level. At one point a waiter walked by and smiled at Eliot and said something to him. Eliot smiled really big at me and said, "He say 'Hi cutie'." Just as Gemma was starting to lose it from being super tired, we finished up and left.

Eliot in his favorite truck/digger pj shirt, ballcap and underwear, drinking hot chocolate and eating banana bread.

The next morning Eliot woke me up, I was changing his diaper and he wanted to wear underwear. I wasn't feeling really brave so we agreed to put them on over his diaper. He was so excited about the underwear, he didn't want to wear pants -- if you put pants on over them, then nobody will know you are wearing them, duh. So we went downstairs to get breakfast. The house was really quiet and he asked, "Where's Ezra?" -- spending the night "Where's Asa?" -- spending the night "Where's Marlow?" spending the night....."Oh, me have some hot chocolate?" Sure, why not.
He's probably one of my most mischievous little guys, but he sure is sweet. He loves his brothers and sisters and was so excited to see them when we all met up at church. But even without the other kids he was joy to be around and totally enjoyed hanging out with his mom and dad.


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    So interesting to hear about. I can hardly wait until we are with the kids while you and Gemma are in Germany. Maybe we will have Eliot potty trained by the time you get back...HA! Mary/MOM

  2. what a funny little guy! it just seems impossible that he is so big already.
