Monday, December 04, 2006

Can you say "Apple"?

I'm not sure whether to be concerned or proud... OK, actually, I'm just amused... Last night, after showing the kids a slideshow of the photo shoot we had done that afternoon, I closed my PowerBook. The white apple on the cover caught the eye of Marlow (my 2 year old daughter), and she started tracing it with her finger.

It is a parent's natural instinct to test their toddler's rapidly expanding vocabulary with questions like, "What's that?" So I did.

She shrugged. "I don't know."

Thinking surely she should be able to recognize a simple apple, I prodded, "Come on. You know what that is. Haven't you seen one of these before?"

And she gasped and beamed because she suddenly remembered what it was. "iPod!"

I laughed and said, "That's right! That's the same symbol that is on the iPod. And doesn't it look like an apple???"

"No," she shook her head... "iPod."

(BTW, we wouldn't even own an iPod if it weren't for Coptix purchasing them for all their employees a couple years ago. Thanks, Coptix!)


Anonymous said...

Oh,come on...Be proud! She looks so pretty here, like a snow princess.

Michelle D said...

That's great! What a brilliant niece I have. I always love your posts. Any way I can see more photos like this and possibly buy a print of this one?

Anonymous said...

My great grandchildren are brillant(and beautiful,too).

scott said...

ah yes, brand name recognition from the mouths of babes ... my kids are the same way and I alternate b/w thinking it's cute or downright scary!

scott said...

by the way, that's a really cute picture of Marlow. looking forward to seeing you guys friday.

Anonymous said...

what a cute picture!