Friday, February 10, 2006

Catch up post

It's been a while since our last post. I guess the Christmas letter took too much out of us. :-) Since our last post, the Gasts new blog has taken off and they will soon surpass us in number of posts if we don't get on the ball! So here are a few pictures taken off our camera from the past couple months along with a little commentary...

Oh yeah, one minor change I've made to the layout of our blog... I think it is not obvious enough to see who the author of a post is the way Blogger has it set up by default. So I did a little rearranging so now it says who it is by at the beginning and is even color coded (green for Joseph, blue for Amy). OK. Now, on with the pictures.

Ezra and Asa check out the Nichols Christmas Calendar with "Ma" (their great grandmother).

Someone stole a shot of Amy and Eliot. I like this one a lot. We don't get that many pictures these days that are actually of Amy or me. Usually we are just in the background... Notice the abundance of drool coming from that baby!

Marlow in what appears to be a calm state as she stands at the barrier that separates her from the great outdoors and her big brothers.

Ah... there it is. The all-too-familiar begging state. Notice how merely giving her a cookie won't do the trick.

"I got a little bit dirty."

What a cute mess!

The grandkids at the Bollman grandparents house. Picture time proved quite challenging.

They calmed down long enough for a decent shot. Left to right: Marlow, Moriah, Ezra, Jack, Eliot, Asa, Mason.

Eliot and Aunt Marlow.

Marlow and Mason find their way out of the cabin...

... and set of to find adventure.

Back at home, Asa snaps a nice shot of the rest of the kids with Heidi (our neighbor).

Our latest project: The treehouse! Planning on putting the roof on this weekend...


Anonymous said...

A nice catch-up!

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back.

Anonymous said...

yes, that is our goal in life: to surpass the Nichols in blog posts. :) good to see some new blogs from you guys.