Tuesday, November 01, 2005


It was a hectic night... I didn't get any pictures till the end, at which point Meadow was too tired to pose. We went out with the Scott and Amy and Oak and Meadow Gast and Stuart and Heidi and Wren Chapin and had a great time.

I got this one video of Ezra trying to open a piece of candy while wearing his Hulk mask. The lighting is bad, but it is quite funny. In fact... When I compressed the clip for web viewing, it darkened even more. If you want, you could try the original AVI clip. (You will probably be prompted to save it somewhere on your computer. When it's done, you can open it with someting like Real Player or Quicktime or Windows Media Player.)

(Update: 11/02/2005 BobW took the big AVI file and lightened and optimized it making a much more viewable .MOV file. It downloads faster and is easier to see than the .AVI, so now the first link is the preferred one. Thanks Bob!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the video is hilarious! they are so cute in their costumes!We tried to get Mason to wear is dog costume..no luck he screamed and pulled it off~ katie