Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Emissions Smiley Face

Wow! I've had this nagging feeling for that past few months that my old '80 Ford F-150 would be destined for the junk yard once it came time for the new emissions inspections. Of course, until last week, it would have no doubt failed the emissions test since it was lacking a muffler, catalytic converter and the greater part of the exhaust manifold. But even after getting that fixed, I just had this sinking feeling that it was going to fail. Maybe it had something to do with my first encounter with the emissions inspections when my much newer '99 Dodge Grand Caravan failed twice (due to a bad EGR valve). But I took it in this morning, said a prayer, held my breath, paid my 10 bucks, and then almost hugged the inspector when she handed me my slip with a little smiley face on it and said "You passed!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that Spiderman I see in the truck window?! He looks vaguely familiar!
from MOM