Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow Day

It snowed quite a bit today. We were expecting some slushy freezing rain type stuff and got about 4-6 inches of snow. The kids got released early from school because of the forecast for freezing rain, which was a lovely surprise for them, but the still weren't expecting snow. I love when they are surprised by things as opposed to when they are expecting something. When they expect something, it rarely lives up to their expectations. Surprises by definition are not expected. Shortly after they got home it started to snow. The snow accumulated quite a bit an a few hours.

Here are a few pictures of the kids enjoying the snow.

Gemma helping Marlow build a snowman

Marlow putting on the snowman's head

Marlow started working on a snowball on our walk down to the park. She crawled along pushing it for a while until I made her stop because it was taking way too long. So she scooped it up and took it with her to finish there.

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The hill at our local playground. We found many school friends and neighbors there. I love our neighborhood.

Eliot standing in the snow waiting for me to take him home -- it is almost up to his knees. He and Gemma got miserably cold after a while so I walked them home. It was not an easy walk because they both wanted to be held -- which obviously, I can't do for 3 or 4 blocks. So we stopped at a good friend's house who lives fairly close to the park and borrowed a wagon and I was able to drag them home ... I have wonderful, helpful neighbors.

Ezra sledding down the hill... about to go over the small retaining wall that served as a sort of jump.

There is still lots of snow on the ground. It is raining outside and will probably freeze over night. I guess we'll be sticking around the neighborhood again tomorrow.

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