Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A glimpse of our incredible time in China so far

I just wanted to post a few pictures from our Great Wall experience. We were blessed with a "chance" encounter with a guy selling tours to a certain unnamed section of the Great Wall that is "unspoiled by tourists." We were skeptical, but decided to go for it, and we were not sorry.
First thing we saw was a sign that said in Chinese only "Closed to the public. Do not enter" Our driver drove past it and through the woods a bit then we got out and started hiking. Michael passing another sign...

We got to the wall and Michael and I said, "We're climbing to that point."
And Ruth said, "We are?"
We stopped here and ate our picnic lunch. Then we all three climbed down and up to that next point across the way.

Yes, this is awesome.

Even Ruth enjoyed the climbing... up to this peak.

Scary, huh? (yes, it's fake... I'm safely standing on a solid surface below... heh heh.)

Michael and I went a little further while Ruth stayed behind and read The Lonely Planet.

At the bottom.

At the top.

I'd love to write more, but I have to catch a taxi to the airport in 15 minutes. We're off to HangZhou. Then Shanghai. Then Suzhou. Then back to Beijing. More later...


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM


  2. I like your matching shirts. I can tell you are all related. I'm sure if I was there I would have been wearing a long-sleeved black shirt too.... and I would have been sitting with Ruth reading, actually we probably would have sat and talked.

    Ezra and Asa loved looking at the pictures this morning as they ate their breakfast. They imagined being Spiderman and being able to leap from one peak to the next.

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Amazing! I know I would have sat with Ruth...that is, if I could have made it that far. Looks pretty strenuous to me.
