Sunday, February 17, 2008

Our First Video Chat

Everyone was excited today when they got to not only talk to but SEE Mommy in Germany. I know video chatting is far from new, and you would think that someone who spends all day around computers would surely have used this technology by now, but this was actually my first time. And you know it was pretty cool. Amy said the video quality on her end was pretty bad, but on our end, it was so clear and smooth that the kids soon forgot that she wasn't physically in the room.

For example, Marlow wandered away looking for her balloon which had lost its string. After her granddaddy retrieved it from the ceiling, Marlow came running in saying "Mo-meeee, where's the string? I need some string." as if Amy could just hop up and help her out. And then after a while, Eliot said, "I have idea. Let's play with the train track!" I told him Mommy was busy and asked if I could substitute for her.

I was very disappointed that Gemma had to go to bed before we got the audio set up. When we signed on and had video connection, she was there and looked very excited to see us. Looking forward to trying again later in the week...

1 comment:

  1. We can try again Wednesday night when I get back from our adventure south :) Gemma was talking up a storm and waving her arms she was so excited. I would love for her to be able to hear you too.
