Thursday, February 21, 2008

I want pink flowers

Don't be too hasty to judge Dad for this fashion crime. Yes, I am entering the third trimester of my 10-day Mr. Mom adventure, but even without the help of Amy, I am capable of dressing our daughter pretty fashionably. But when it comes to picking pajamas, anything goes. Marlow had a hankering for something pink and floral, and this is how she ended up. :-)


  1. You're a fabulous dad.... I probably would have tried to explain that "all those items don't go together" and then I would have eventually caved-in with a "Fine Marlow, if that is what you really want to wear, go ahead."

    I sure do miss that girl.

  2. I've been enjoying your posts during your Mr. mom adventure. You made it, hats off to ya. Stay-at-home momming is not for the faint-hearted. Marlow is adorably funny. Happy reunion!
