Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Running errands

As many of you know, I have been running 3-4 days a week during my lunch break. Even though running certainly has benefits, it's not exactly practical. I mean, you run 2 miles, turn around, and run back. Nothing is delivered. Nothing is picked up. So it is nice, since I work just across the river from downtown, to occasionally make my run practical by running an errand. On foot. I've run to the bank to deposit a paycheck. I've run to the mechanic's to pick up my car. Just the other day, I ran to the post office to deliver my passport application. That was a fun one. As I ran, clutching a manila envelope full of important documents, my imagination also ran... I became Kevin Bacon in Quicksilver... only without a bike. I wanted to run full speed ahead, paying no heed to the "Don't walk" signals at the intersections, dodging traffic and running up and over cars that got in my way. I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was chasing me which would force me to duck into a parking garage and then get chased all the way to the top where I would have to leap to the nearest building... Yeah... That was a good run.


  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    After Bourne Ultimatum you can have some more fun runs...MOM

  2. I'm jealous of this discipline of yours. It must be a really good feeling to work toward a goal like this and still do something useful during it. Our life isn't nearly as busy but we both really benefit from a little alone refueling time.
