Thursday, January 24, 2008

baby sling

My friend Michelle made slings for her kids for Christmas. I was telling her how much I liked them and could she help me make one for Marlow -- and she had an extra one that she gave me!

Eliot wearing the sling with his baby.

Eliot checking his baby.

Sweet boy

Marlow....she can't wait to grow-up and be a mom.

This is what was going on around me while I was trying to post this entry....I was holding Gemma, Eliot was leaning on my shoulder and arm and Marlow was leaning on my leg. She was singing "Jingle Bells" and asking lots of questions. Eliot was trying to tickle Gemma the whole time and asking to see pictures of himself.


  1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Those pictures are great. I'm so glad they're having fun with the sling! I'd still be into having a sewing night, even if you don't have a sling to make. :) MichelleW

  2. what a great idea! Mason found a doll in the stuffed animals today and was swinging her around and wrestling with her...hmmmm no baby slings here:(
