Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Well, school is in full swing now. This is Ezra's third week (first grade) and Asa's first full week (kindergarten). The first two weeks he only went three days total for phase-in. Asa LOVES school. The first two weeks were hard because he wanted to go every day. Ezra seems to be getting into the routine and enjoying it more. I really like both of their teachers. Asa got the teacher that he liked best so I was glad for him. He also has one of his good friends, Aidan, who lives down the street and goes to church with us in his class. Aidan's mom and I worked out a carpool plan for afternoon pick-ups so now I don't have to go to the school every afternoon and wait in line, which is super nice.

Joseph took some pictures of the boys on Asa's first day. They look so grown-up in their uniforms. One cool thing is Asa loves to tell me about his day and what they did and what he liked best. Ezra has never really liked me asking questions about what goes on at school and volunteers very little information. But Asa telling me about his day sparks Ezra to remember things he did so then I get them both talking.

So far I have enjoyed the time with just the two little ones. I have walked some with them, gone to Rembrandts after walking the bridge for muffins and tea, grocery shopped and hung around the house. Marlow gets really excited when I tell her it is time to go get the boys. Unlike Asa who doesn't know what to do with himself when Ezra is away, she plays well by herself.... but not so well with Eliot. She tends to just tell him "No!" a lot and take toys away from him. She was nice to him today though and let him sit in the wagon with her for the walk to Bible Study. She enjoyed handing him animal crackers on the ride over. She really likes feeding him and always wants to feed him his yogurt or whatever he is eating. Thankfully he isn't too opinionated yet and doesn't mind who feeds him just as long as he gets the food.