Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Asa likes to do Spiderman poses.
He asked me, "Mom, do I look like Spiderman?"
I said, "Yeah, Asa, you do."
So he held this pose so Joseph could take his picture. He really looked like a kid climbing out of a truck, but his hand and foot were strategically placed to look like he was clinging to the truck like Spiderman would.

Asa, more then Ezra, cares about what he wears. Often I will pick out an outfit for him and he will look at it and say, "Mom, that's not a super shirt. If I wear that shirt people will think I look stupid." We are talking about a plain shirt that says something simple like "surf kid." Instead he typically picks a batman or superman shirt. He also really likes a shirt with dinosaurs all over it, that personally, I don't like. But I don't tell him that.

I generally let him dress himself unless we are going somewhere that he needs to look nice. Now that it is getting warmer he wants to wear shorts, or as he calls them "short pants." Saturday I woke up from a nap and went outside to see what Joseph and the kids were doing. Joseph had been cutting down a few weed trees and dragging the branches out by the street, and boys were playing around in the branches. About the time I walked out Asa caught his leg on a branch and scraped it. Joseph and I went over to try and help him. While Joseph was holding him and consoling him, I noticed his "short pants" had snaps on the inside of the legs. He is almost 4 years old. They stop putting snaps on kid’s pants generally by the time they are wearing 2T.

So I said, "What are you wearing? Asa, where did you get those pants? They look like Marlow's."
"No they're not!" He was pretty mad about his scrape, and then his mom embarrasses him about wearing baby pants.
Dumb me I kept it going and said, "I think they are, honey."
Joseph jumped to Asa's defense, "No, they're not. It's fine. I don't think they are Marlow's."
I realized he was embarrassed and dropped the issue, but he was clearly wearing my daughter's khaki pants. Size 6-12 months. Long pants for her, but short pants for him. He is not a big kid but still I couldn't believe he made them fit.

Later, when I was helping him get ready for his bath, I unbuttoned the pants to take them off and noticed his belly had a red line around it from how tight they were.
"Were these pants a little too tight?" I asked, trying to be careful not to embarrass him, but also trying to see if he realized they were too small.
"Not to me." he answered.
I guess if he picks an outfit, it is super no matter what.